Today (4-22), I hiked with Doyle, Peter, Ed, Luba, Candice, Jacquie, and Barb to Rainbow Peak following the Rainbow Peak without the Ledges route. I think this is one of the best routes in Red Rock. Although the forecast called for temps in the 90's, we got lucky with all the cloud cover.
Once at the peak we decided to follow the traditional route back to the cars. This route travels to Gunsight Notch and then descends the notch into Juniper Canyon. During our descent we heard two rattlesnakes. This got my attention as I was the first upon them. No one got bit, but we were a little more cautious after that.
Once at the notch I went looking for the camera lost on Sunday's hike and I found it with the help of Barb, Candice and Jacquie. We then descended Gunsight Notch and eventually caught up with Peter and the others.
Notes: This is the time rattlesnakes are most active. Early morning and early evening are the most likely times to stumble upon snakes.
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