Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bridge Mtn Hike

Today (3-14), I led 17 hikers to the summit of Bridge Mtn via the North Peak Wash route. This is a much more difficult route than the standard route, which starts at the summit of the Rocky Gap Road. We parked about 2.4 miles up Rocky Gap and then ascended a steep, but beautiful sandstone wash named North Peak Wash.

Once at the top of the escarpment, North Peak comes into view. In another 100 yards Bridge Mtn. appears. The route then circumvents Ice Box Canyon and follows a shallow wash before joining the normal route to Bridge.
The crack the route ascends seems too steep to climb from a distance, but it's only easy class 3!

We walked above the arch on a very exposed traverse. From there it's a short scramble to the summit. As we descended we took a side trip to the Hidden Forest. It was rare to see water there. The Hidden Forest has a special meaning for me.

Notes: The sign in book was ruined by water and it needs to be replaced along with a pen and pencil.

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