Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Book: Hiking Las Vegas is Coming Out With a New Edition

The book, Hiking Las Vegas, which changed hiking in southern Nevada forever is being rewritten from the ground up. This book has sold over 20,000 copies and still     sells well despite lies told by the BLM and certain rangers about the book.

The new edition will contain color photos, waypoints and more hikes. Each hike has been rewritten to make the routes easier to follow. Some of the unpopular hikes have been replaced by great hikes, such as: Magic Mtn., Pine Creek Peak, Black Velvet Peak, Echo Cliff Overlook and others.

I am talking with the publisher to have a contest where the winner will be on the cover of the book!

The book is due out Spring 2011. If you have a favorite hike/route from Red Rock or Mt. Charleston you want included, let me know.

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