Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Check List for Hiking in Mt. Charleston

With the temperatures rising, now is the time to start hiking in Mt. Charleston. Hiking in Charleston is different than hiking in Red Rock Canyon. Here's a list of things to brings and some additional tips:

Rain jacket
Wind breaker
Lots of layers - NO cotton
Bring more water (if a long hike)
Emergency blanket

Start with easier hikes to adapt to the higher elevations

Easier hikes to start with:
Fletcher Canyon
Big Falls
Bristlecone Trail
Mary Jane Falls
Little Falls
Stanley B Springs
Cathedral Rock

Boots: If staying on a trail, you can wear an old pair of approach shoes. If going off trail (my hikes), an old pair of approach shoes or a mid-weight boot. You do NOT need heavy boots.

In general Charleston hikes are much more demanding (cardiovascular) than Red Rock hikes. There's generally far less scrambling than Red Rock hikes.

It's much easier to get lost in Charleston if hiking off trail. Watch for rock fall if hiking off trail.
Fast Facts about Mt. Charleston

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