This is the most rain I have ever seen in the 27 years I have lived in Las Vegas. Yesterday (12-21), I hiked into Oak Creek Canyon. I have never seen so much water. The video below tells the story. It would be impossible for anyone to hike through the canyon. It really was a river.
Red Rock Canyon will remained closed at least through today. You can't even drive to the fee booth -- it's blocked by a gate. Yesterday SR159 was closed before Calico Basin, so you couldn't even drive into the basin. As I was driving south on SR 159 toward SR 160, it looked like they were closing SR 159 near the intersection with SR 160. IOW, there's no access to Red Rock Canyon. I also believe they can close the road into Black Velvet Canyon via a gate. I will keep you updated as to when Red Rock will reopen.
The forecast for today is calling for at least 0.50 inches of rain and up to one inch is possible. To give you an idea of how much rain that is Las Vegas normally receives four inches of rain in a one year period! Vegas might get 25% of its annual rainfall in one day.
All roads in Mt. Charleston are also closed as I write this.