Monday, December 28, 2009

Web Site Update and Hiking News

I finally got motivated and moved my website to a new web hosting company. This should be transparent (I sound like a geek!) to everyone, but if you can't access the site, use this link for now:
So far I am very impressed with the new web hosting company ( and believe this will be the end of all the problems.

Hiking Las Vegas is going through a major redesign that has nothing to do with moving the site. Don't worry, the content will remain the same. I will not have tons of confusing ads and run you to other websites just to make a buck. There are too many websites that do that.

Onto the important stuff! On Saturday, Kathy and I started out doing the East Route to Calico Tank Peak. As we were scrambling I looked up and saw a thin man in a green jacket and an even smaller hiker in a blue jacket: Eva and Richard! They waited for us to catch up and then showed us a new route to Calico Tank South Peak, a different peak the Calico Tank Peak. There's only a cairn at the peak. This is the same peak (highpoint) that I wrote about in one of the books. It stands to the south of Calico Tank, which currently has a thin layer of ice.

Richard then showed us a very cool descent route that stays on the ridge and eventually meets up with the Red and White Route to Calico Tank. There are too many twists and turns for me to write it up and there are no cairns.

Notes: The summit of Kraft Mountain is also called Penguin Peak. Richard and Eva placed a container and sign in book at the peak recently. It needed one!


  1. I followed the 'East Face' hike to Calico Tank Peak (excellent directions, btw) on New Years afternoon and was also surprised to see two figures above me in the gully below the tanks, heading down. Maybe some wayward tourists wandering off the BLM trail, about to get into trouble? Far from it! Instead I had the pleasure of meeting Eva and Richard.

  2. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
